Cat VS baby problem

Hannah🌸 • PSOC/endometriosis sufferer with a past ectopic pregnancy, now currently pregnant with a baby boy💙
I have a cat who is just shy of a year old. I have had her since the day she was born. She's still in that stage where she has ALOT of energy, sometimes runs around the house like a maniac, jumps from couch to couch, likes to swat (declawed) & play bite with your hand, foot or anything that hangs. She also likes to climb in the babies crib, and pull the stuffed animals out now that we got the baby's room all done. My son isn't born yet but my main concern is how I'm going to stop her from jumping in the crib, and what to do to get her to stop or what to do when or if she swats/bites the baby when he swing his arms or moves his feet and hands.. I'd really hate to have to get rid of her. Any advice?