Future children won't have real grandparents?-EDITED

Anyone else have this? Both our parents are alive, but my dad is schizophrenic [ive read some comments and realize that many people with schizophrenia have very happy and fulfilling lives. My dad tried to kill me when I was a teenager to try to bring the second coming of Christ and refuses medication or to believe there's anything wrong with him. 80% of the time his schizophrenia is harmless and I am happy to have many visits, but that 20% is enough to never want to leave him alone with them]and my mom is just a terrible care-er (who I would be fine with visits, but I wouldn't trust her alone with them). Hubbys mother is a sociopathic person who kicked him out as a teenager and then has convinced everyone she can that he's physically hurt her and is basically a criminal. His father is the spineless crybaby who cries about not being able to see his kids (hubbys siblings) but he is the only one that has any legal right to do anything and he refuses to take her to court even though refuses to allow him have his visitation. (He is the only one that we may trust alone.... But he bends to hubbys sociopathic mothers whim and we could see him taking them to her)
Our grandparents are fabulous and will be substitute grandparents. But I'm incredibly sad that they'll pass long before the normal life expectancy for grandparents. How have you coped?
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What does being a schizophrenic have to do with anything? My grandmother is schizophrenic and she's an amazing grandmother.


Samantha • Dec 2, 2015
my mom was schizophrenic and absolutely could not be trusted alone with children. it depends on the person. she tried to kill me and my sister several times. she eventually killed herself while she was the only adult at my sister's sleepover. way to mess up a house full of kids and be selfish all at once. I was 19 and came to check in that morning and found a bunch of confused kids with a dead body. I'm schizophrenic as well but it's way more under control and I've never done anything extreme like her.


⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Dec 2, 2015
If this dad is like my dad, it'd be dangerous. He has paranoid grand delusions and refuses medication. Plenty of schizophrenics live lovely average lives... But I never know whether or not my dad will snap


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My son had both on my side. He is six now. My mom and step dad are great with him they love him and he loves them just like it should be. My grandparents are the same way....Or they were... Until my granddaddy ( great grands called him dollar or granddollar) passed away in April. My son is now obsessed with when and how people will die. He does have anxiety though so i think that has more to do with why hes obssessing with it. And even though my Grammy loves him she's been a little tough on him since my granddaddy's passing. My son still loves her to death. Despite these things I would say it s wonderful to have them in his life as long as possible. His dad's dad isn't around much because he lives in another state and his mom died before we even met. My son died just fine with having very involved and only somewhat involved grandparents. I don't think it really matters one way or the other tbh.


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My mom's parents were gone before I was born. My dad's dad is remembered to me as a wonderful grandpa and I have a few pictures of us but he died when I was three. My dad's mom was a bad person and cut from my life very young. My mother made the right choice there. Still I have had wonderful grandparent figures in my life.My sister's biological grandma counted me as her own. A older lady who was once a neighbor became a trusted family friend, my babysitter for years, and another granny figure for me. My father married when I was a teen and while I've never gotten on well with his wife, her parents have been a wonderful blessing. I'm 29 and still have the family friend and my step grandfather around.I hope that world provides wonderful surrogate grandparents for your little ones as well.


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My grandmother is a horrible, lying, abusive drunk, my other grandparents are dead, and my dad died when I was 16. My fiancés parents I trust but not likely for extended stays and my mom likely won't want to do more than short visits. Any children I may have in the future will likely not see their grandparents much on a regular basis except for maybe monthly visits, if that, otherwise only holidays. My dad was the one i was most excited to be around my kids but now that's never going to happen. Its just something I've accepted. All I can do is be the best parent I can be and include as many good influences around my child as possible.