Melatonin in 6 month- 3 years of age children

Maggie • 25🌞Mommy to💙Luca 12/31/13💙 Logan 02/14/17💙
I posted on Facebook about my son's sleep and eating issues (I have a lot of mom's on there that are also a part of the same program my son is in)
Well, a girl that has a 6 month old commented that she gives her son Melatonin at night so he sleeps because he wakes up a lot.
My niece is 8, has been on Melatonin since she was 5, and now she depends on it to sleep. She stays with me every other weekend and one weekend my sister forgot to send it so I asked "could we try without it? If not I'll pick some up." And she said she'll be fine without it.
My niece could not sleep, at all. She is used to my house as she is here every other weekend. The only factor that changed was the melatonin.
I feel like children need more active play and to wear themselves out, cut back on sugar, soft drinks, juice etc. and a 6 month old is expected to wake up to eat... Formula and breast milk only fill them up for X amount of time... Granted some babies LOVE sleep, but majority wake up to eat, correct?
What do you all think...there aren't many studies about the long term effects of melatonin on children but even in adults they can become dependent on it.
Every parent is free to make their own choices but I also stated that I'm not comfortable with the minimal research or giving medication that isn't medically necessary. I didn't mean it in a rude way, that's just my stance. She was really offended so I apologized but she blocked me.