Friends with benefits

Rachel • Here.... There.... And everywhere.....
Ok so what are your views on FWB?!? Long story short..... I've been fwb's with this guy, who calls himself my best friend; for about 10 months now. I'm not sure if I'm making the right decision staying fwb's with him. Help?!? I can go into detail on our daily relationship. 
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I could never do it, but that's because I know I'd end up being emotionally attached and would never be able to keep it just as friends. As long as you're both cool with it and understand the situation I don't see anything wrong with it.


Laura • Dec 4, 2015
Aah, I see. That's a dangerous game. I had a friend that really, really cared for her long term fwb who treated her similarly. They hung out all of the time, went on dates, and would proceed to the bedroom, but he refused to call it anything else and every time she brought it up he'd say things like, "We've discussed this, my feelings haven't changed." She waited for him for over a year to love her back, and then she found out he had a girlfriend over seas. I do not suggest staying in a sexual relationship with someone you have unrequited feelings for.


Rachel • Dec 4, 2015
I do want more. He knows this, we've already had that talk. He's not ready for a relationship. Long story there as it usually is. I enjoy what we have. It's simple but his actions act like he wants more or considers me more then FWB's and best friends


Li • Dec 4, 2015
I think that's what's going on here. I think she wants more than fwb.


Posted at
I would say that if you are having to ask yourself if it is the right thing to continue, then you are feeling uneasy. That to me says you already know the answer ;) I get the feeling that you want the friendship, but maybe know it's time to move on and find something with more depth. Some people are able to stay great friends, like Mrs. said. It is definitely possible. Some people find it hard to continue a friendship once they start dating a new person. My husband had a "FWB" friend before we started dating. It wasn't something I knew about until over 6 months into our relationship (it wasn't something that continued once we started dating). In our case, they were unable to stay friends because she was unable to accept he had actually moved on and started a relationship with somebody. It wasn't something we fought about...I understood the situation for what it was, but it was my husband who was uncomfortable with the way she spoke and acted towards him and myself and he told her on his own that since she kept trying to cross a line, there could be no friendship. I get the feeling you are afraid to lose him all together, but that doesn't mean you should continue the FWB thing if it no longer feels right to you. If he really is your friend, he will understand and not give you a hard time.


Karalee • Dec 3, 2015
I wish you all the best! I think you should sit down and have a talk with him and tell him how you are feeling. if he doesn't feel the same, then i I think it will be healthiest if you stop the benefits part and just be friends. *hugs*


Rachel • Dec 3, 2015
You kind of hit it right on the head. I am afraid to lose him because he's become such a large part of my life. We have gotten incredibly close over the time. He's even said himself that I'm his best friend. I guess what I would love to see is for us to grow into a more in depth relationship.


Posted at
No no no. Chances are he's seeing others as well. I wldnt put myself there! Consider yourself better then that. 


Rachel • Dec 4, 2015
That's how I feel. He already acts like we are an exclusive couple but won't put the title to it.


Sadi • Dec 3, 2015
Why not just date and make it exclusive? Guess it's fine as long as third parties are not involved.


Rachel • Dec 3, 2015
It's actually funny, he's not with anyone else. He lives right next to me, and we spend almost everyday together even if it's only for a few hours. Our relationship with each other goes way beyond just sleeping together. He actually calls me his best friend.


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I don't see the point of labels on relationships. The only difference between what you guys have and being bf and gf is that you haven't stuck that label on it yet. If I were to go back to the beginning of my relationship with my husband, I'd 100% wait longer to be bf and gf. Things happened fast. Even before we were together, we were friends and calling each other pet names. I guess I would have liked that period to last longer. The only label we have now is due to the fact we are legally married. Otherwise, he's just my best friend that I happen to live with and have sex with and love deeply as well.


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My best friend was a fwb for a while & it did develop into much more. We are now married & expecting our first child (his second). It can work but you need to tell him how you're feeling, otherwise he'll never know (they're not all that smart especially with women's feelings)! We had been best friends with benefits on & off for years so I know it works if other relationships happen but in the end we were meant to be together & it happened. Good luck!


Posted at
Thats the great thing about being friends with benefits you can end it whenever you want no hard feelings. I did the fwb for a year with a really good friend of mine. We set rules and stuck to them so neither of us got hurt in the long run and we were really great friends. When we ended it we werr both ok we didnt argue it was what it was we are still great friends. It can work you just gotta know if you can handle that kind of situation.


Posted at
I got divorced from an extremely abusive man years ago and soon after became FWB with 3 different guys. They all knew about each other and all knew that I was not interested in any more than what I was getting from them. I had no self confidence, except on my career. My ex husband had demolished it. My FWBs knew me well enough to know I deserved to be treated with respect but wouldn't push my boundaries. All 3 treated me like a queen. Eventually 2 started seeing other girls and i required that they be exclusive to the new ladies in their life. I haven't heard from them in a couple years. My 3rd FWB and I continued for awhile longer, until I moved away. But we remained very close, talking on the phone daily. He was originally from Africa, traveled home and came back married to a young woman because his father had arranged a marriage. I had already started dating again after i moved away and met the most amazing man. He and I are very open. He knows the nature of my friendship with my old FWB, but knows i am completely in love with my husband and never had any interest in furthering my FWB status. My husband even asked him to be an usher in our wedding. I sponsored my FWB's wife to come from Africa and they are now expecting their 2nd child. She also knows the nature of her husband and my previous FWB status.It may sound a bit cooky, but we all have a great relationship and talk often. We live 3.5 hours away from each other and visit as often as possible. I am their children's God mother.You have to decide what works best for you, and have to know how to handle your own feelings. I think it worked for me, because to be honest I had become a rock hard bitch from dealing with an abusive husband.


Posted at
FWB is great but only if you're not looking for commitment or a relationship. If you feel you're getting too attached I'd say you end it just because as others have mentioned, he might be seeing others or he might  not be looking for a relationship. FWB is fun and there's nothing wrong with that. 


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I would never. But to each their own 😺


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My husband and I dated, broke up, and were friends with benefits for like a year. He started having feelings and I was like, we gotta stop this. He wouldn't stop trying to pursue me even when we cut things off. He had finally given up when I was like, ok I wanna be together too and now we are married!


Rachel • Dec 4, 2015
Items, ect.... But I do see changes in him after all this time, and he drops these little things like "I haven't taken my feelings from my pocket yet" and stuff like that. lol it would just be easier if his actions and words matched.


Rachel • Dec 4, 2015
I am very open with him. When it comes to speaking about feelings and all. It's him that doesn't open up fully to me, which I feel has a lot to do with the fact that he was in a horrible relationship for 7 years and it was a horrible breakup that resulted in him losing everything. House, material-


Ashley • Dec 3, 2015
Honestly id say be honest ab your feelings. The best part of being fwb is that we could say anything and not be scared. We were very open ab everything and I think that helped. There were def ups and downs but for us it worked out.