
I am so annoyed with my husband right now, and I keep thinking of more reasons I am disappointed with him.

I was feeling nice today and woke him up with a BJ. Made him eggs and toast for breakfast. And all he has done is be loud, obnoxious, and then complain that I don't coqok like his mom. It hurt my feelings and I started to cry and he did nothing. He went into the bedroom and watched football for the next 7 hours.

Now I'm thinking about how he does nothing. He never cleans, he never cooks, he only begrudgingly will scratch my back for a few minutes when I beg him to. I am disappointed he doesn't want to take care of me. If I wanted a massage or to get my nails done he'd judge me. We have plenty of money , we have a large down payment saved for a house but he's too slow to ever make a decision on the houses we look at and half of the time he's afraid to get the house because he thinks it's too much nicer than his parents and brothers,so we have missed out on multiple houses that would have been good. So I don't get the nursery I've dreamed of since I can remember.

Every morning in addition to getting myself ready, i help him wake up, iron his shirt, and make him breakfast. I really like taking care of him but now im starting to resent him for it. I feel like i married a child. And partly i feel like i should do more around the house because he brings home more money than i do, which is bullshit.

I know I have a lot to be thankful for but at this moment in time I just can't help but thinking he's holding me down.

End rant.