Living with men is hard work

Putting up with the "sex" aspects sexual compatibility. Lingerie and games and toys or porn. Dealing with your issues headache or morning sickness and a guy who wants sex. Separate issue is Trust, trust that he's not cheating gives peace of mind otherwise it'll be a constant worry battle, who's he texting what apps he downloaded who's on his Facebook or contacts why is that lady extra friendly coworker,cashiers, the lady at church, without trust or respect you know a guy who is always looking that's a issue. Living with the male wanting a porn star or Victoria's secret model our women equivalent of Prince charming or a warrior living with society ideas or his ideal of a perfect woman. Separate issue Cooking for him what he likes, cleaning doing his laundry or shopping, financial does he respect you and pay half or not complaining about paying full. Next issue communication! A guy who cares where are they lol there are many more issues mostly come from men who never had sisters otherwise they know women are mean and sweet they cry they hit you they are fun they are slobs or neat and they per poop burp fart on occasion accidents happen just guy's are hard work ugh its allot of effort would be good as a team but dam seriously men are hard work trying to keep them interested is another battle and faithful I don't know feel free to comment on the important aspect of a relationship. Trust, communication and love making someone feel loved a balance of independence, space and privacy and a balance of sharing team work and unity. Also growing up and understanding the human body stretch marks, fat, boobs, sizes understanding the woman's body periods and pregnancy giving birth hormones menopause and so much more yeast infections etc. These are important also understanding men