Baby boy has Colic six weeks old what should I use for him crying in stretching I'm giving him Gripe water

Novella • Can't wait first baby 31
Help please 
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Comfort formula, Infacol and bath then back massage. My daughter has severe colic and can cry for up to 6 hours inconsolably and these are the only things that help for getting out winds.


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We just bought the Gerber drops, it's some kind of bacteria that is suppose to help. A little expensive but we were at our wits end last night. Night two with it tonight. For us 8pm is usually the "witching hour"... I gave it to him a couple hours far so good. 


Kate🔅 • Dec 14, 2015
He's almost 7weeks and he's breastfed


Ann • Dec 14, 2015
Kate how old is your LO? And is he on formula or breastfed?


Kate🔅 • Dec 9, 2015
Yeah, so far. Last night we didn't have a single melt down. He got a little fussy, but nothing like previous nights. I totally recommend it


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My friend who's an newborn ICU nurse recommended Mylicon drops and using Dr. Brown bottles. The drops van be used safely up to 12 x a day after feedings. It has worked wonders.


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Hi I have a 6 week colic baby since week 2 .Our routine when the cry starts is nursing - change diaper - hold him close to our body so his belly is warm with a blanket around him - warm bath (!!!!) - i try to avoid some foods like milk products -green vegetables -coffee .Plus our Doctor allowed us to give him probiotics drops -BioGaia - and when it's in his pick we boiled chamomile and give him a little .Honestly I don't know if any of those things help . It is a challenge situation for our family.I try to stay positive that there will be better days ...because my heart is broken every time he cries and I cannot help him .😢


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Look into silent reflux, it's what's wrong with babies a lot of the time when doctors just call it colic.


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Have you taken him to the doctor? To rule out reflux?


Kat • Dec 11, 2015
And I breastfeed.


Kat • Dec 11, 2015
It is possible to have reflux without throwing up. It burns their throats but doesn't come all the way out. My daughter has it like that.


Novella • Dec 9, 2015
He really doesn't throw up


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I haven't experienced a colicky baby, and am so sorry you're going through this! I just thought I'd share that I read an interesting article in Psychology yesterday that suggested that colicky babies may be experiencing migraines (If it's not overstimulation, milk allergy, or gas). Hope you can work out what's going on with your baby :/.


Novella • Dec 10, 2015
Thanks boo I hope o do too 😁


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The techniques described in The Happiest Baby on the Block series really seem to work.  My LO especially quiets to loud shhing while swaddled.


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Try Colic Calm. You get it at Walgreens. It has worked for both our babies. 


Nikki • Dec 9, 2015
My oldest is 4 years old and my youngest is 7 weeks.


Novella • Dec 9, 2015
How old r your babies love


Posted at
Keep breastfeeding! Also, I'm good friends with a Chimd Developmentalist and she believes there's no such hung as a colic baby. If a baby cries that means something is wrong. She says first thing to do is do the obvious things like nurse, change diaper, hold baby. If that doesn't work then take off their clothes and even diaper because mist babies are just uncomfortable. If that doesn't work they may be sleepy. If that doesn't work then it could be they have internal issues (tummy, head pressure etc) and should go to the doctors. Hope that helps!


Stephanie • Dec 9, 2015
Child developmentalist*