What's going on??

onetiredmama • 💙💙👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻💙💙
So November 18th I had my hsg done and my tubes were clear and open. That was done on cycle day 12. I was pretty nervous and stressed because I was worried about pain and so I'm guessing that pushed ovulation off. I think I ovulated cycle day 16, but I'm not sure. Maybe I didn't ovulate this cycle due to the stress of the test. I kept getting surges and then the tests would lighten up and then dark again. I have two apps for my journey. One said I was supposed to start af on the 6th and the other was for today. No sign of it. I had some slight cramping yesterday but nothing. Not sure what's going on. I've taken a test and it was a  bfn. Dunno what to do. If I ovulated later then usual that would push my period off later also correct? Or no?