Husbands child

My husband had a child with a woman who is still married. Child has her husbands last name and everything. We were considering going to court for custody but she made it clear she does not want us helping raise that child (mainly me). I have a whole room for her son and bought everything a little boy could need. She turned that into "I'm afraid she's going to kidnap my son" and took out a tpo on me. The judge threw it out but at this point my husband and I don't want to try anymore. We are TTC our first child as a family and I can't help but be afraid she will do everything she can to make life hard on us. She's the type that doesn't think about how things she does can really affect others lives! It was completely embarrassing to have to tell my boss I had to be out for court because she believed I could kidnap her child. Anyone have any experience with a horrible "baby mamma" we aren't required to pay child support right now (since legally it isn't my husbands) and have no custody. I feel a little bit of guilt for him not being a part of his child's life but it's neither of our fault it's her not allowing it. We can't afford to fight her on this for years to come and she's made it clear she's not going down without a fight. I just need some words of encouragement that we are making the right choice or just some ideas on how to deal with it