I want a baby, no one else agrees

My boyfriend (23) and me (19) have been together 5 months (living together for 3 months) and were so in love. We want a baby. Everyone keeps telling us it's not a good idea since we live with my mom. After I graduated from high school I got fired from my McDonald's job (where I was being promoted to manager in) because of my use of weed and I forgot to show up for a shift. But I've had a bunch of jobs in the last year so it's always just the matter of when another one comes along (although I've been unemployed for 6 months) my BF doesn't have a job and hasn't for a while. He wants to tho! Everyone keeps getting mad (like my mom) that were not in a huge rush to get a new job and don't get unemployment since we've never worked a job long enough to get it. I babysit sometimes and I just need one of my own. What can I do to make everyone stop hating on our love and the fact we want a baby?
oh my gosh guys you are so critical! Who cares if we don't have a place of our own? My cousins just had babies a year ago and I'm planning on getting almost all my stuff used and also I'm sure to get a lot of stuff from the shower. Government assistance is there for a reason and we'll have a job soon enough. That's not what I was asking, how do I make people stop hating our choices?