Facebook Glow Group, Want to join?


Hello ladies (and gentlemen)

There has been talk about creating a Glow Facebook page but I am not sure if one was ever created, so I have created one, called <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow App</a> Group.

It will be another place where we can share and support each other. TALK about the good, the bad and the ugly. Be each others cheerleader through the TWW and have a bit of a moan when AF decides to show up.

Let it be the place where we are also happy for those who get BFP, their success can be our encouragement. Share your photos, your diet, your baby making secrets.

This Facebook page can be everyone's second home (after the app of course : )

Want to join? I will make the group public for now and then in the new year it will become a closed group that you can still join but through request or recommendation just to keep out the 'trolls'

See you on the Facebook side.
