
My boyfriend he really did a number on me psychologically abusing me verbally, telling me to look at the floor to avoid fights about jealousy that guy was looking at me. The pornography he watched made me feel like I wasn't good enough like he was wanting me to be something I wasn't. It just still hurts. How do you get your self esteem back after someone calling you Bitch and all these names how do I stop feeling like a victim, I don't understand him I tried and tried making his self esteem feel better and this is how he repaid me just evil and wrong I don't understand how some one who loves you goes out of there way for you and they get mistreated why I would love and value someone who can help me some one who appreciate me. So I don't understand men who have a good woman and they beat on her they do nasty stuff how they can make a beautiful girl feel so ugly. They say models are the most abused and I don't understand maybe guys lower your self esteem so you think you can't do any better I'm scared you guy's how do I get help with my self esteem