Concerned about 1st pregnancy…

Had originally found out that after a few months of trying we finally conceived. October 14th was the day of my last period, and I had been unable to track my ovulation, keep that in mind. Went to ob that Monday to confirm with them, came back positive. They had me yesterday at 8 weeks exactly, I measured at 6 weeks 4 days instead, and had a slow heart rate for the baby, the baby's heartbeat was 63, my hcg level came back and were 3684 bpm, on the 8th I had a slight discharge of some pink/brown discharge when I wiped. And after the sonogram I had some as well, when she took the "wand" out and she asked if I had bleeding, which I said yes yesterday morning I had a little when wiping. This morning on the 10th I had some more brownish/pink discharge. I called ob and that's when they informed me that my hcg count was normal for where I was measuring. My biggest concern is the heartbeat, because I have come to terms that they miscalculated the due date, from July 20th to July 30th now. Any insight or similar stories that ended well! :) praying for our little one!