Is it there I'm to excited 🙈

Are my eyes playing games had missacrage 3 months ago I'm scared but also excited 
There is definitely 2 lines 
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Posted at
Thanks girls, definitely means a lot keep having cramps so that's why I'm bit nervous but only get it when I walk or roll over in bed 😕


Roxanne • Dec 10, 2015
Keep you updated, and I hope you have healthy 9months too ☺️


Roxanne • Dec 10, 2015
Yeah my brain is over the place I keep reading things up on the Internet what not a good idea sometimes but thinking positive, done generally last 5 seconds... Thank you so much will


Tara • Dec 10, 2015
I just did a test too that looks like yours. I had a second miscarriage in September so I know how you feel with being excited and scared both! ! I'm also having sharp pains/ cramps when I roll over in bed or get out of bed. it only lasts a moment but I still worry. So congrats to you and praying you have a healthy 9 months! !! :)


Posted at
BFP. 🙊 Congratulations mamas.


Posted at
Yay congrats...


Posted at
It's there yay!!