Waiting for hCG levels. 🙏🏽

Went in on Monday for hCG levels since I've been spotting (brown discharge) for 2 weeks. Levels came back at 45539 and everything was normal. Today I went in for a viability ultrasound and I measured 6w2d! 🤔 No heartbeat. I thought I was 7w/4days. I'm sure of my last period. She said its 50/50. Could go either way. Now I'm waiting to see if the hCG levels have increased or decreased since Monday. Ugh! This is torture! I had a miscarriage in August, PLEASE don't let this be another one. 
Just heard back from doc, hCG levels went from 45539 to 47393 since Monday so still in the game so far. Back a week from today for another ultrasound.