If your doc rescheduled your appt for a month later, would you

I'll find out the reason tomorrow but I was suppose to have this months appt in 5days but my oB left a message to reschedule. I'm hoping it's not just cuz they overbooked but I have had appts where I'll wait 1-2hrs to be seen. Trouble is, I do like my doc and don't wanna get used to another. Hopefully as I get further and see the doc more often it won't be as much of a problem but wanted to hear what you ladies think.
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With my first pregnancy my doctor rescheduled my anatomy scan for the week after it was originally scheduled 2 days before my appointment. The reason was a family emergency that she had to travel out of town for, for a few days. I would call to find out why they rescheduled. A month seems a long time for a resceduled appointment for a pregnant patient but it could be due to the holidays coming up.


Marina • Dec 11, 2015
That's what I'm hoping it is but I'm leaning more towards changing if it's an overbooking issue. The practice is busy enough and it seems that even calling to reschedule can sometimes be a hassle depending on when you call (it's a full service clinic w/ pediatrician, dental etc)


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If you're still fairly early in pregnancy, I wouldn't worry about it. If you're well into your third trimester then I'd maybe reconsider my options.


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I love my OB! So if you truly love your OB I would wait. I know I would. 


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U need to change OB! The longest I've waited is 15 minutes and I'm out the longest an hour after my appt time


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For all the money they are paid to take care of you, you should be treated with respect as a patient. They shouldn't be overbooking if that's what is happening. I work at a doctor's office. Each patient should be treated as top priority during their time slot. With that being said, I can see how certain geographic locations may not have tons of OB/GYN docs, so they can't help but be overwhelmed. But if you aren't having a good experience and you feel you aren't getting the attention you deserve, you might shop around. 


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As an update... I've tried calling to see why they rescheduled me and haven't been able to get through to anyone in the oB dept. Left two messages. So after that I started calling other obs/midwives in my area. This kinda explains a conversation I overheard in the waiting room but I was just hoping it was just this woman's bad luck. Smfh


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Before 28/32 weeks or something like that you're supposed to be seen every 4 weeks to make sure everything is progressing correctly


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I would keep that appt but see if you can be seen by another dr at the practice before then. Though in reality at this point in the pregnancy, it's not totally crucial. 


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I'm 19 weeks and have only seen a dr once and I'm pretty annoyed so if you can control it I would call and schedule in the same clinic with another dr. I ended up having to switch insurance so I could get a dr that would see me this month as opposed to in February 


Marina • Dec 11, 2015
Wow only once. You should technically be seeing one every month


Posted at
I'd switch doctors. I've had many appointments due to complications earlier in my pregnancy and not only could they find room the see me hours after I called, but all but one of my appointments have been right on time. The only appointment that I had to wait to be seen for was because of an emergency visit from another patient. You need to have that sense of security and comfort with your doctor, not someone who will flake on appointments