Hubby treats gone bad

It's the worst When hubby brings you home a delicious treat but you so just can't even think about stomaching it 😞 7 weeks pregnant 
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Posted at
Right there with you! It looks good, but I know my stomach would say oh no! after 1 bite! But what a sweet hubby you have! Lucky lady!


Posted at
I'm 11 weeks and I was only nauseous weeks 7-8.5. I know everyone is different but may be some light at the end of the tunnel for some of you!!


Posted at
Omg I would've devoured that if I weren't pregnant! Lol. Reese's are my all time favorite chocolate but I can't even stomach looking at chocolate/sweets now 🙄


Jessica • Dec 11, 2015
Way*** lol


Jessica • Dec 11, 2015
I'm the exact same blog


Posted at
I feel ya'! Thankfully I haven't gotten any morning sickness at all during my pregnancy. Although I have gotten disgusted by certain foods. I can't even eat chicken because just the sight of it makes my stomach turn.