EBF bottle rejection help!

Hi ladies, my 7wk LO is EBF and we introduced 1 bottle (Philips avent) of pumped milk once a day at 4 weeks, trying to follow recommendations, and so I could get a couple hours to run errands or go to the gym  . She took it really well and had no problems switching, but in the past week she's started throwing a total fit with the bottle from either me or my husband . 
She's fussy the entire time I'm gone, will drink no more than half an ounce (she used to drink 3-4) and then I feel so badly and can't get her to take the bottle when I get home so end up breastfeeding her anyways... Help! I need to be able to run out of the house and not feel guilty about a fussy hungry baby 😓. I should also mention that she totally refused pacifiers when we tried to introduce them (3 different kinds!) at 5 weeks. Sigh...