What's going on??

Soo a guess one a little background on me and my menstrual cycle. I'm 19. I've been on the implant (nexplanon) for a year and a month. But typically always I've bled atleast once a month (a heavy bleed) it's been over a month since I've had that. 8 have spotted. But it was more blood when I wiped. Today I noticed a weird feeling down there. Like something was there. I pulled down my panties and nothing was there. I wiped and I got a mucus discharge with some spots of blood in it. It was more clear than anything honestly. And the best way to discribe the clear stuff is a thick mucus. Because if I pulled at it, it wouldn't tear. I googled it. I'm not on my period so it's not normal according to a website. But there's no smell so that illuminated infection. Only other thing it suggested was miscarriage. Could I be? Even on the implant?