Threatened Miscarriage

Nunya • TTC #2
Went to the ER 12/11 because of bleeding. At 5W4D there was nothing on the scans. Dr said I'm either early in pregnancy or late in miscarriage. My levels were 274. My cervix was closed. He told me to follow up in 7 days to see if my levels increased and to confirm either the miscarriage or a baby (something should be visible on the scans by then) In my paperwork it says I most likely had a "complete- sudden abortion" but early gestation could not be ruled out. I'm irritated because I feel like if the Dr felt there was a chance I didn't have a miscarriage he wouldn't wait 7 entire days to check my levels. Levels double every 2 days! I'm thinking he knows I had a miscarriage n wants me to follow up in a week to make sure everything has passed! I'm heartbroken and angry. Any advice, positive words, shared experience would be appreciated