4 losses within 1 yr!

We've experienced 4 losses within a year. The last one was my ectopic about a month ago. Mind you that's my last tube. I lost the right with the first ectopic. For this one, I had the injection. Went to the doctor's last week who told me my hormones are back to normal but the mass is still in my tube. He says that may take a while to go away depending on my body. Hubby and I ate frustrated b/c he says <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> is now our only option. We Don't have <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> money and my insurance is ok but deductible is very high. Hubby says he's done trying. That upsets me b/c I still want our rainbow baby. My heart is so heavy and numb. I was depressed for a while. I feel like I've let him down as a wife and a woman. I just don't want to give up. I still have hope that it'll happen naturally with the one remaining tube.