
I'm getting so frustrated me and my SO have a 10 month old puppy he's been having the shits lately. I don't currently have the money to take him to see a vet but long story short is this dog is crapping all over my house!!! I got the dog for my SO for his birthday this year so it's really his dog but he dose the pick up any of his shit. Witch is really starting to tick me off!! He poops all over my carpet all over his bedding in my kitchen and he knows better! I tried switching his food to just white rice so it's bland and easy on the stomach witch worked for a couple of days. My tea frustration is he isn't picking up the poo. Just me and I shouldn't have to constantly clean this poo I'm pregnant! Then if I ask him to it will just sit there! For days! And that dose not go good for me because I'm nesting like crazy and I don't wanna smell it or have it just sitting in my house so I end up picking it up again! It's so unfair! this morning I suggest that if we can't afford the dogs expensives we should find him a new home because I'm tired of being the only one who picks up the crap! My SO got offended and said well he can't afford me and our baby but he's not gonna get rid of us! That ticked me off so bad! We are his family not a dog! Any advice? I'm so frustrated.