1st round of clomid and PCOS

Hi Ladies ! 
I really want some thoughts to help me a little bit. 
I have PCOS and irregular periods of course being between 30-38 days apart or longer. The last 3 months I've been taking metformin and my periods have been about 30 days apart, I completed my first round of clomid and went for sono today, and only had one follicle somewhat maturing. It only measures about 10mm, I got back Monday and the NP I saw thinks it should be mature enough bu then. I'm a little discouraged because I was hoping for more than just one.. But do you think there still could be a possible chance? We were going to try timed intercourse as long as everything goes well from Monday. I'm a little sad and discouraged. One of the docs I work with told me I should have had more than just one :( any thoughts ? I am going to definitely up the dose for the clomid next month , maybe that could help if it doesn't work this time around 🙏🏽