Kwerkymurkie • I wish I was the moon.
Honestly if most of the women on here didn't get so offended by other people's opinions and stopped taking shit SO DAMN PERSONALLY, this community would be more at peace. I've been in alot of arguements, and only a couple have been with very intelligent women who know when an arguement is worth fighting about. (I can argue with one of said ladies on one topic while simultaneously laughing it up with them on another topic, and i LIKE THAT SHIT) These ladies know when to save their breath. Even better, THEY KNOW HOW TO QUIT EGGING IT ON. If more women on here understood this and learned from these women, we'd ALL benefit. Nobody argues facts once some bodies feelings are hurt. After that it just turns into a pissing contest to see who can hurt who's feelings the worst. We're not children ladies, and arguing doesn't benefit anybody. Realize that you're really not going to change a person's mind, especially if the only way you know them is from an app. It's time to grow up.