Scared or uninterested?

Donna • First time mom of a beautiful baby boy married to a handsome mechanic just turned 21!
Since we found out about the pregnancy my husband has been kinda distant about the whole thing. He didn't want to announce until we found out the gender. Of course our parents and close friends knew but no one further than that. Around 20 weeks I started feeling kicks with my hand and asked him to feel. The first time he felt our little man kick his hand he looked at me and said ok I'm going to sleep now and ever since he hasn't wanted to unless I beg him. I send him videos of the baby making my belly move and he doesn't even say anything unless I ask if he got them then his usual response is it was a good video. That's it! We are kinda young(20 and 21)but we planned this baby. Do yall think he's just scared or is he really not interested because I feel like I'm doing this on my own