Pregnancy announcement.

**Long post ahead but responses much needed...** So my husband and I are so so excited to be pregnant although it wasn't exactly planned ;) over the moon really though. We are planning on telling our family a couple days before Christmas but we aren't sure how to yet. My real question/concern is how to tell my older sister. She and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for about 2 or 3 years but haven't had any luck. Their next step is <a href="">IVF</a> and that is extremely expensive and is not covered by their insurance. So as you might suspect pregnancy/babies are a very sensitive subject in our home. My sister and I are very close and I have been by her side through most of her journey and I'm now terrified to tell her that I'm now pregnant. It sends me to tears every time I think about telling her. Should I tell her before all the rest of my family in like a one on one setting or just with the rest of the family and talk to her afterwords? So conflicted and feeling extremely stressed about this. Anyone have any suggestions?