Pmdd troubles


So I have pmdd. Which is a severe case off pms. And I'm a mess. It's 2 weeks before I start my period and the day I start all my mood b.s is gone. But when I am dealing with my pmdd is a nightmare.

I have Anger,( to the loin where if my kids or husband say or do a small thing wrong I freak out and scream. Including if my husband can't read my mind) Anxiety,Depression, Irritability, always overwhelmed, Sensitivity to rejection, (can't tell me I'm wrong I'll have a melt down), Social withdrawal( I just can't handle people at all) I'm always sleeping and eating.

Does anyone know what I can do. I've tried St John's wort

I'm so tired of my ways during this time. I don't want to ruin what I have. I love my life.