Babies and pacifiers

Okay I was wondering about babies and pacifiers. With my first baby, I didn't give her a paci after birth it wasn't until the second day that I tried to, see she had been crying every 30 minuets because wanted to be latched to my boob even if she didn't really eat. I looked through my diaper bag and took out a paci from a pack, I had forgotten to boil them so my husband said "what are you doing don't give that to her you didn't wash it" i got annoyed and just threw it back in the diaper bag. My daughter to this day doesn't like pacifiers she always spits them out, cries, or throws them when I give them to her 😂 okay MY QUESTION IS : do you have to teach a baby to use a pacifier or do they naturally know how to use it ? I'm having another baby and have recieved a lot of pacifiers and want to attempt to give one to my second to see if he likes it if not then fine i'll give the pacifiers away 

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