How would you ladies handle this situation?

So I've been married to my so for a 1 yr now nd I found out that my husbands family dont not like me nd talks about me accusing me if things that are not true ....So now when we go visit them I get this weird feeling inside that i just want to get aways from them ..I keep to myself most of the time ...I keep telling my self why the ly talking about me that way I've never given them a reason to me so nasty to me ...not to mention thwy act all natural when they are around me of the things that my husband told me one that i was to ugly for him nd that he would never be happy with me ..first of what kind of sister says that to there brother i dont see that right but idk that kind of hurt my feeling and as it is I dont have a high self-esteem. ...nd then to have a person say that about You doesnt help so now when i see them or are around them I feel so uncomfortable 😯