What Would You Do.

So. I've been with my SO for almost 4 years im 25 he's 26..we have a 19 month old son and I just gave birth last month to our daughter she's 7 weeks. My dilemma is my SO says he doesn't want anymore kids. I do. I would have another right now but I'm dealing with the whole selfishness glad to have my body back thing. The thing is my SO continues to finish inside me when we have sex. 😒 I've told him to pull out since he says he doesn't want anymore kids but he doesn't. I'm not on BC he knws that.. So if I get pregnant what should I do? If you were in my situation what would you do? If I am pregnant im considering abortion because my daughter is still young I want to enjoy my body for awhile and well the biggest reason would be because he says he doesn't want kids. I'm lost. No judgment please. I just want a honest answer for people who've been in my shoes, if anyone ever has ... Thank u