For women who's symptoms went away

And are really worried. Remember that some ladies who are pregnant don't even have any type of symptoms!! Anyway  This is my first pregnancy and my symptoms come and go.. But I don't worry that much since my doctors office gave me a bunch of pamphlets for every month of pregnancy on what to expect. And I also go and try to educated myself on as many things about babies and pregnancy since it's my first. I haven't gotten an ultrasound but will at 10 weeks. Read that a babies heart beat isn't fully developed by week 12... Some people hear heart beats sooner than others.. And others don't.  And then reading all these misscarrge stories get me all worried but all I can do is pray for those women who have lost their loved ones... Anyway just felt like I had to say something since seeing all these post about these main concernes.  Don't worry and stress yourself or ladies... If the doctor says your baby is fine.. Then you're good :) I hope
You all have a good day! Be positive enjoy your pregnancy !!!