My baby girl has finally arrived

My baby girl has finally arrived! Her name is Hadley Alyanne and we love her so dearly:)) She is so beautiful and healthy as can be! I was scheduled for an induction at noon yesterday...12/28 at 41 weeks, but I woke up having painful contractions at 2:45 in the morning and ended up having natural labor that lasted 13 hrs and 25 minutes having her at 4:10pm! I had an epidural and it was the best thing I could've done because I was relieved of my contractions and pushed 3 times and out she came! I had a wonderful experience and I couldn't resist the happy tears when I saw her precious little miracle face for the first time:) She weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 20.75 inches long! She has a head full of dark hair and gorgeous blue eyes:)) Her big brother saw her for the first time and was so sweet with her! Daddy and I love them both so much! Our family is now complete!!!