Ovulating early

Hello. My husband and I have been TTC for 8 months. I used OPK test strips in September and October and I got positives but both cycles the positives were at different times. I decided to try the digital ovulation tests this month and received my "peak" fertility (solid smiley) today. I am only on cycle day 11 and my cycles are 30-33 days. Monday (CD 9 was low fertility and Tuesday CD 10 was high fertility). Why am I ovulating so early. I am so confused. Glow updated my fertile window but also changed my period dates and now shows me as only a 27 day cycle which I know won't be right. I used a OPK strip this morning along with the digital and the strip wasn't positive (picture below). Does anyone have any thoughts? Have you gotten a false positive on a digital ovulation test (clear blue advanced)? Thank you. I am just so frustrated and confused. We will BD tonight just in case but I don't know what my body is doing!