Job rant

Devin • Due May 28th with Aubrynn Mae 🎀
Just got fired/quit because my "work ethic" has decreased and some how the register was short $50 so convienantly after me and a head waiter got into an argument. I'm 5 months pregnant with a sciatic nerve. So if their is a hostess sitting on her ass and not doing shit I'm gonna ask if she can do something. I busted my ass there since day one and after saying I was looking for another job, I only got 4 shifts in two weeks. Now I have to put up with my fiances grandparents trying to force me to see a lawyer to file for discrimation or some shit idk because it was because my work was slacking, my bipolar fiancé saying he was going in their to give them a piece of his mind, and trying to find a new job. Joy.