
Kelly • Was diagnosised with PCOS & infertility Feb of 2015. After losing over 50 pounds and completely changing my diet we were surprised to find out in August we naturally conceived our first child 👶❤
At a place where I think I might just delete this app. The way so many of these women on here try to bash others is insane. Seems so many preach no judgment but are the most judgmental. Along with the moms that Google all day and now feel like they are qualified to be OBs. Its actually sad there aren't other apps quite like this one. Where you can interact so personally with one another. But I guess putting a bunch of hormonal women in one place would get this amount of tension. Whether its someone spending "too much" on a stroller its so petty. Can we just all be adults and have conversations with difference of opinions and still be respectful and kind?