Tips for Lap

Michelle • 34, DH 37. ttc #1 for 4+ years
Hi everyone,
So I'm having a laparoscopy on 1/19 to remove a 4.5cm cyst. I'm terrified, as I've never had surgery before, only wisdom teeth extraction with twilight, and I woke up during the procedure. I'm seriously scared it will happen to me again, only this time it will be worse bc they issue a paralytic with general anesthesia - so how would they know if I'm awake? I get sleep paralysis sometimes and it's horrible - I can only imagine how horrible it would be if I was under the knife, unable to move to let them know I am awake. Any reassurance from people who have had laps before would be appreciated. Also, any tips for a quick recovery/what to expect after would be great! TIA! :)