Hoping for a BFP!

Brooke • Brooke. 22. Married to the love of my life. TTC baby number 1. :)
I am new to this and me and my fiancé have been trying to conceive now for 3 months. I took a test on the 29th of December and 30th, and both were a BFN. I was expecting AF on the 2nd (today) and I've not started yet and I have no signs of starting. (Usually I have cramping and just feel bad in general) Any advice? Has anyone tested that close to AF and still got a false negative? I've not realg had any noticeable symptoms except for headaches. Sometimes tingly breast. Nothing really extreme except sometimes I get nauseous and I seem more hungry. I'm almost afraid to test again, afraid to get my hopes crushed. Praying for a BFP