Mother in law ruined our baby announcement!

My husband and I are expecting our first baby this August. We are so excited. It's my family's first grandchild/great-grandchild and same for my husband's side. We announced to our (immediate) family only on Christmas with special gifts for everyone! We asked very specifically for them not to tell anyone else yet because I'm so early (only 5 weeks on Christmas, and only 6w1d today!) We had a miscarriage in September 2012, and this is our first time trying to have a baby since, so because of the health concerns we weren't going to make anything public until we reached 12 weeks. We live in a small town and my husband's step mother decided to run her mouth at the town watering hole, and now half of the town knows. I found out by one of my best friends (who I had not shared the news with yet) let me know how she heard!!! I have never been so devastated and angry in my life. I hope God can help me forgive because right now I want nothing to do with her or my husband's dad at all.
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Posted at
My mother-in-law did this as well. Small town talk spreads like wildfire so we no longer have our little secret. I don't know how to tell you to forgive her because I'm still upset as well. I was also 5 weeks exactly when we announced on Christmas and now I'm 6 weeks 2 days... so I literally know exactly what you mean.


Posted at
I know your super and she shouldn't have done it but she may have just been excited. I don't think someone would be so cruel as to have bad intentions she probably just couldn't contain it. Also I know it sucks but there's no point in being angry or upset and holding onto that negativity now, what's done is done and there's nothing that will change it. Don't stress not good for yourself or the baby. Sorry it happened but it's happened.


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My first pregnancy I told my SiL at like 5 weeks (only bc I was watching her 4 kids for a week while her and my brother went on their baby moon). I told her I wasn't telling anyone yet. Sadly I miscarried pretty early... And while dealing with that pain had to explain to quite a few upset family members why they weren't informed :/ this time around NOBODY knew until I was ready to tell.


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My MIL was SUPER annoying with my first. (Well she's pretty annoying in general!) Every single time we'd go to the doctor she'd ask "can I post it on Facebook now". I didn't post anything until I was 20 weeks and knew the gender just to spite her. We haven't told anyone about this pregnancy yet, also due in August. My husband is from a small town and in my experience nothing is a secret. I would just keep your distance from her until you're not upset. I have no idea how my MIL will react to this baby, I'm sure she'll ask if she can post it. 😩


Posted at
That's terrible... I'm sorry she didn't respect your wishes. Maybe some distance from them is best if you can given you live in a small town. We told our parents, my huband's brother, and his grandma on thanksgiving. I was just over 4 weeks at the time. We asked them not to tell anyone but my husband's brother posted it on Facebook. We saw it about 15min after he posted it and he took it down but the damage was already done. I was really angry for a couple weeks but now, I don't really think too much about it. My advice probably isn't the best but I would say let yourself feel your feelings for awhile then try to get past it.  You don't need this bringing you down. Again, sorry this happened to you. 😟


Posted at
I completely understand... My mom posted on FACEBOOK when I called her to tell her in confidence.. Pissed me off so bad!! I wanted to wait being that I was only about 4 weeks at the time.