Vent session + needing advice

Sorry it's so long..
So I'm 31+3 and my boyfriend and I have been together since April((He wasted no time getting me pregnant)) I was told I would have children after I had my daughter, so I believed it but he just knew he could get me pregnant. NEVER listen to the doctors. It's God's say, not theirs. Any who, he's very narcissistic and everything is my fault or "the reason we'll never make it". When we argue, he finds it my fault and takes off((packs his stuff and leaves)) mind you, he's 31 and I'm 28. So, tonight he asked me a question and I kinda snapped bc he's not considerate of my feelings and my being pregnant. So, he comes upstairs and tells me, like he says EVERY single time we argue, "that's why we'll never make it!" And that he can't wait until our daughter is born. I guess my question is, when a person constantly tells you that the relationship won't work, do they not want to be there anymore? I've fought so hard this entire 9 months to keep us together but I'm emotionally drained and I'm tired of crying when I know I deserve better. Should I just suck it up as a loss and be the best mommy to my daughters? Every time he leaves, he'll call me and say lets meet at ___ so we can talk & I let him back in. I just don't know what to do anymore!