Advice Please :)


My dd will be 3 months on the 17th and so far she likes to roll but not completely over yet. I'm having some concerns with her sleeping at night and would like some input. During the day she sleeps in her bassinet with the video monitor on and she's covered by her thicker fuzzy blanket she loves to cuddle in. She doesn't move at all. When she sleeps in our bed occasionally when she's really fussy at night she'll go to sleep and she won't move a muscle just like nap time. Now at night she moves a whole ton! I put her down with her head at the top feet to the bottom. I will wake up cuz I hear her fussing and shifting around and she's gotten her feet up on the edge and is laying side ways in the bassinet. She's also very restless at night and she kicks and cries out. I thought it was best to put her in a sleep sac so she has 2 different ones. Ones micro fleece for when she's wearing the thinner cotton sleepers, and the other is cotton for when she's wearing the thicker fuzzy sleepers. She also has this little blanket called a taggie it has silk kinda ties on the edges. She likes to hold it against her face when she's in the car seat or bouncer cuz she likes to hold the tags and it's soft so she likes to feel it and she does it herself. I've pulled it away and she'll pull it back.

So anyone have any advice on what you would do in my position or what you have done?

Oh she sleeps in a wicker bassinet that's oval shaped with a pad that's about 2, maybe 2.5" thick so tucking a blanket in on the bottom one she likes won't work because it lifts the bottom up too much cuz the blanket is thicker. She also sleeps with her head raised about half an inch from under the pad because she had mucus and meconium in her lungs when she was born and then got a cold right away so this way she can breathe easily and she won't sleep in the bassinet without her head being raised a tiny bit.