Need some advice about stomach cramps!

✨✨Sian✨✨ • I'm 22 my fiancé is 24, we have a 2 year old little boy and were expecting our second baby in September 2016!
I got my bfp on New Year's <a href="">Eve</a>! Yay! And everything was fine (this is my second baby) sore breasts, feeling sick, headaches all the usual stuff. I haven't been to the doctors yet due to it being the holidays and everything being closed. I have an appointment this Friday. Last night, I had such severe period pains I couldn't sleep and (tmi warning) horrendous diarrhoea. That stopped and the cramps are just gentle pulling cramps today, I've had no blood (touch wood). Does this sound normal for a second pregnancy or does it sound possibly eptopic or mc?? I'm really worried, which isn't helping!