Why does everything happen at once?

I am so overwhelmed! A week before christmas, my stepdad had surgery and had his gall bladder taken out. We went to see him on Christmas and he looked miserable and was in a ton of pain. Two days before Christmas my grandmother had a stroke and is now in rehab. She lost eyesight in one of her eyes and is now in need of a nursing home but there are no open beds anywhere. The day after Christmas I found out I lost my internship that I am suppose to be starting in January on the 19th because the state is closing the facility. Then on New Years <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> my mom had a freaking heart attack! She's now in the hospital. Then just last night before going to see my mom, my dad tells me my grandmother is not doing well and her heart is failing and I need to go see her. In the meantime, I'm working 50+ hours a week, my phone broke today so I can only text and I have no time to find another internship. My stepdad can't take care of my mom once she's out of the hospital because he just had surgery so I need to find time to do it. I need to find time to go see my grandmother. I'm thinking I should take time off of work but my husband doesn't want me to. I just don't know how much more I can take.