Help! First cycle after MC?


Ok so I had my d&c Nov 2nd. Should have been 9wks baby stopped growing at 6wks. It took me 5wks for my first AF after the procedure. I've always had a regular period... to the day. But now I'm waiting on my 2nd AF but I'm 3 days late but still getting bfn. My Dr gave us the go ahead so we are back to TTC but I didn't track ovulation other than what glow said. I've had some cramping but it's not my usual period cramps (I get severe cramps with AF). I feel like I've got a twinge of food aversion. But no other cleat symptoms.

So my question is.... after your MC would you say your cycles went back to normal? Or were they still out of wack for a few months?

The 2wk wait is bad enough on its own but after a mc.....3 days late.... not knowing if your body is still messed up.... is beyond frustrating. I'd appreciate any advice or suggestions. Thanks.