Couch to 5K Day 1

Okay so my wedding is in four months and three weeks (roughly). End goal is I want to look good.  I average about 128 lb.  It's not about losing weight, so much as it is about toning up.
I've never been able to run a mile in less than 10 minutes, and I know one of my friends used the app and he was super successful.  And besides that, I should end up with a decent butt finally.  (I have boobs not a butt.  I just want to be even.  😩)
My other goals are to tone my stomach and arms some.  What are some things I could do to work those?
Also: I'm doing the C25K app workout every MWF, since it's a three a week thing.  I'm looking for stuff to do on the in between days that is lighter.  And I plan on resting on the weekends.)