My bump doesn't seem to be growing 😕

Keilea • Mommy × 7 / 5 boys, 2 girls RIP Evan Ryatt 3/13/19-7/6/2020 Baby Quinn born Sept 21, 2021

This will be my 4th living child, provided all goes well. I'm now 12 weeks with my rainbow after 3 losses/2 miscarriages.

My bump seemed to be a lot of bloat in the beginning, but not so much this past week. Though I've been feeling quite sick all week, I don't think my belly has grown much, if any, in a few weeks. I assumed I'd show early as this will be my 4th pregnancy to make it at least 12 weeks, but I'm worried about my disappearing bump. I have not had bleeding or cramping other than just feeling my uterus stretching, so I feel like these are great signs, but can't help but worry baby isn't growing! Anyone else notice their 12ish week bump come and go? These are 6, 8, and 10 week bumpies, but my stomach this morning looked closer to 6 weeks 😕😕