Is this job really worth it?

Need to vent. So I started working as a teacher for a preschool last month. I was hired full time with the hours of 730 am-430pm. The first week, I was there odd hours for training so the next week, the assistant director let me go early on some days (so I wouldn't exceed my forty hours). Come time for my paycheck, I didn't receive a full forty. (It was a mere 15 minutes shy, but nevertheless!!) there were days I clocked out earlier than I left because she was so concerned with me going over. Moving on to the following weeks, she keeps trying to get me to leave EARLY. Today, she told me to combine my kids with the other teacher's class and head out. Before 4 o'clock! So obviously, I still had things to do expecting to leave at 430, so I went inside and did them. She then scolded me saying to have all of my toys soaked, restroom cleaned, classroom vacuumed and mopped and be ready to leave when we join classes. OH SORRY I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION I DIDNT CLOCK OUT TILL 430, but sure I'll have it done an HOUR in advance so you can cut my hours again!! I couldn't even speak. I knew if I opened my mouth, I'd surely lose my temper and cry. And the last thing I need anyone thinking is "the over emotional pregnant lady is upset" NO BOO. The pregnant lady is furious and highly likely to bash your face in. So pissed. I've been crying ever since I got in my car. And needed to let it out. I intend on talking to the owner/director come Monday about this. I was hired FULL TIME. & if I'm expected to be there on time, I expect to leave on time.  Really debating if this job is worth the stress at this point