Do you think I could be pregnant? (1st mo off pill)

Hey ladies! Just looking for some insight! I went off the pill on December 12 & had what I think was a withdrawl bleed the 13-15th. I began using glow while tracking my cm & using clearblue OPK. My DH and I BD the day I got my peak then the day after next. Since, I've had some odd symptoms I don't recall from before I was on BC:

Days 1-3 PO: nothing much

Day 4: cramps begin with a minor headache and some irritability

Days 5-6: metallic taste in mouth, few cramps, nausea off and on in short bits, VERY snippy, constipated 😳 (tmi)

Day 7: feeling a bit better, only a few cramps, constipated still, tired

Day 8: negative test, very nauseous upon waking up, felt fever like and slept half the day away

Day 9: stronger cramps in the lower right region this AM, not as cranky but slightly emotional, negative test on FR even tho I'm five days from my estimated period ( since I'm just off the pill I don't know how accurate this estimation is)

Any insight is welcome! I'm hoping for a BFP add my DH and I are really ready to start a family :)

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