Crazy Convo - Donate Eggs.


So my boyfriend was invited to a coworkers dinner party and naturally he brought me. At the beginning everyone seemed like cool people.

Well, let me backtrack alittle bit. I just turned 25 a month ago. No plans for kids in the future. Maybe that will change but right now Im choosing to focus on finishing the last semester for my Bachelors and applying for graduate school. I currently work at one of the top law firms in my state and Ive got major travel plans for this year. Kids and marriage just arent apart of my goals.

Now my boyfriend's coworker is married. She's the same age as me. But they have 3 kids together. Apparently she dropped out of high school when she fell pregnant with her first child. I dont know the girls whole story but she's a stay at home mom. No judgement.

Ok, now back to the party. She's hosting, everyone is making small conversation. But then she tells her husband to take the guys (my SO + 2 others) to the basement to play pool and for the ladies to follow her into the kitchen to help out....FYI I consider myself to be a feminist. I found it offensive for her to tell the women guests to essentially make themselves helpful by cooking. But whateves, I sucked it up and chopped up the salad veggies.

Fast forward to dinner, somehow the conversation turned into one of guys laughing about how he use to donate his sperm every month to help pay rent during college. Then his girlfriend states that she would never donate her eggs because and I quote, " I would never give another woman the pleasure of carrying a child that should be mine". The host then decides to throw shade and replies back, "you had an abortion, no one wants your damaged eggs anyway".

I wish my facial expressions had been recorded cause that was a crazy moment. The host then decides to ask me if I planned to have children. I answered no, I dont want kids and Im more interested in stabilizing my future. She then proceeded to tell me that I was selfish. That women like me are not fullfilling their true purpose as birthers and will never be a "real woman" like her. Our concerns should be the man & children, not careers... needless to say, I flipped out. My boyfriend picked me up and exited us out of that house. I know I shouldnt have allowed that crazy girl to effect me but I lost control. Those comments were rude, offensive and sexist.

Anyway, although that convo was strange I started thinking about possibly donating my eggs. I figure I lose an egg once a month anyway so why not donate it to help someone who's ready for a child. Plus I get some extra cash for grad school. Sounds like a great idea to me but I've no clue where to start or how the process works.

If you'll been through the donate process before can you share your experience?