Co-sleeping with your kids? ??


My husband and I are expecting a baby but he also has a daughter from a previous relationship. I have been raising her as her mother abandoned the two of them since she was barely a yr old. Which is why I understand why he co-slept with her, he was needy and his daughter was all he had.

But here is my issue, we are moving into a bigger room to make space for the new baby. Our daughter sleeps with us now and she's 3 yrs old. He doesn't want her to sleep in her own room and wants all 4 of us to share the room because he is "not ready or comfortable with her sleeping alone."

Wtffffffff is up with that? Why can't she sleep in her own bed in her own room? I get that he's attached to her but he's pushing me and the new baby away. I would love to hear some of you guys' opinions or thoughts. I need all the advice I can get. I have just about had it with his constant babying and smothering of his daughter. Advice????