What the heck?!

Lynzee • Mommy to Ammarie, born on March 3,2016!
So, I had my 30 week check up today. I mentioned that my Braxton Hicks have become a little uncomfortable and more frequent, and I've had a change in discharge. So, my doc wanted to do a cervix check (I haven't had one yet, and this is my first baby so it was just a precaution) just to make sure everything is ok. 
Well, she had a medical student shadowing her, and she asked if it was okay if he watched. I figure if he's going to be looking at vaginas the rest of his life, it's no big deal. 
Well, the doctor is explaining to him and to me what she's doing during the exam. Well, he's kinda standing behind her, but he was leaned over so he could see. 
This guy has his cell phone in his pocket, and it starts vibrating. At first we ignore it, but he ended up hitting the button to silence it. Then, while my legs are still spread wide open, he quickly pulls out his phone and responds to the text. 
I was so shocked. And the doctor was mad but didn't say anything in front of me. After my exam, she had to take some cultures to the lab, so he went with her, and they stayed gone for several minutes and she ended up coming back without him, and kept apologize. 
I know it wasn't her fault, so I said it's ok. But seriously? How much more rude can you be? And that's literally breaking so many laws! It made me so uncomfortable in an already awkward position! 😕